Dr. Susan S. Wallace (1996)
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
201 Stafford Hall
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT 05405
Email: Susan.Wallace@uvm.edu
O: (802) 656-2164
H: (802) 496-4935
F: (802) 656-8749
B.S. Chemistry, Mathematics Marymount College, Tarrytown, 1959
M.S. Bioradiology University of California, Berkley, 1961
Ph.D. Biophysics Cornell University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Sloan Kettering Division, 1965
Post Doctoral, Immunochemistry Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, 1965-1967
Professional Experience:
1988-present Professor & Chairperson, Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of Vermont
1988 - present Graduate Faculty, University of Vermont
1988 - present Member, Vermont Cancer Center
1993 - present Director, Vermont Cancer Center Genome Stability and Expression Program
2000 - present Director, Department of Energy Vermont EPSCoR Program
1979 - 1988 Professor, Department of Microbiology, New York Medical College
1976 - 1979 Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, New York Medical College
1977 - 1987 Graduate Program Director, Department of Microbiology, New York Medical College
1973 - 1976 Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, Herbert H. Lehman College, CUNY
1970 - 1988 Doctoral Faculty, CUNY
1969 - 1973 Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, Herbert H. Lehman College, CUNY
1967 - 1968 Instructor, Biological Sciences, Hunter College, CUNY
Professional Affiliations and Activities:
American Society for Biological Chemistry and Molecular Biology, Radiation Research Society, American Society for Microbiology, Environmental Mutagen Society, American Association for Cancer Research, AAAS, Sigma Xi, American Women in Science
Editorial Boards of: Journal of Biological Chemistry (Editorial Board) 2005 - present, DNA Repair (Associate Editor) 2004 - present, Molecular Cancer Research (Associate Editor) 2003 - present, Radiation Research (Senior Editor)2001 - present, Environmental Health Perspectives (Associate Editor) 2000 - present, Mutation Research/DNA Repair (Editorial Board) 2000 - 2004, Chemical Research in Toxicology (Associate Editor) 1999 - 2002, Cell Biology and Toxicology (Associate Editor) 1984 - present, Mutation Research (Associate Editor) 1990 - 2000, Radiation Research (Associate Editor) 1980 - 1983
Service to National and International Organizations (selected):
Member, International Scientific Committee, 9th International Workshop "Radiation Damage to DNA", 2006
Member, International Advisory Committee to "Great South West" Canceropôle, City of Toulouse, France, 2005-present
Program Committee, US/EU Workshop, “Systems Level Understanding Of DNA Damage Responses, 2005
Chair, AACR Special Conference: Radiation Biology & Cancer: From Molecular Responses to the Clinic, 2004
Member, NASA Review Panel for Radiation Research, 2004
Co-Chair, ASM Conference on DNA Repair and Mutagenesis, 2004, 1999
Member, Board of Directors, FASEB, 2000-2003
Member, NASA Radiobiology External Review Panel, 2001
NIH/DOE Workshop, Cellular Responses to Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation, 1999
Conference Vice-Chair, Chair, Gordon Mutagenesis Conference, 1996, 1998
Chair, NCI Workshop: “Molecular Biology to Radiation Oncology”, 1997
Mammalian Cells to Ionizing Radiation”, 1995
Member, Board of Scientific Counselors of the Division of Cancer Etiology, NCI, 1995
Member, Biological and Environmental Research Advisory Committee, Department of Energy, 1994-1999
Member, National Academy of Sciences Board on Radiation Effects Research, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, 1994-1998
Member, New England Governors Council Biotechnology Advisory Panel, 1990-1995
Member, NASA Space Radiation Health Discipline Working Group, 1992-1996
Scientific Advisory Board, Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, 1992-2000
Member, External Advisory Committee, Harvard School of Public Health, NIEHS Center, 1991-present
Member, Biotechnology Subcommittee, Council of Presidents, New England Land-Grant Universities, 1990-1995
Honors and Awards:
John B. Little Award, Harvard School of Public Health, 2005
Phi Beta Kappa, Honorary, 2005
University of Vermont Scholar, 1997
Keynote Speaker, Sealy Center for Molecular Sciences, May 1997
Failla Awardee and Memorial Lecturer, April 1996
Member and Treasurer, Vermont Academy of Sciences and Engineering, 1996 - present
Gordon Mutagenesis Conference, Vice Chair, Chair (elected), 1996, 1998
NIH Merit Award, 1987-1995, 1995-2003
Leonard J. Tolmach Memorial Lecturer, November 1995
Herbert M. Parker Memorial Lecturer, October 1995
Plenary Lecturer, Environmental Mutagen Society, May 1993
President, Radiation Research Society (elected), 1991-1992
American Cancer Society Scholar, 1974-1975
Woodrow Wilson Honorary National Fellow, 1959-1960
Over 140 original publications and book chapters.
Research Interests:
Oxidative DNA Damage and Repair
Interaction between DNA Damages and DNA Polymerases
Teaching Interests:
Molecular Biology/Genetics